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Hi, we’re Just Theme Parks.
We’re an independent UK blog, showcasing theme parks all around the globe. We post video essays on YouTube, exploring all sorts of theme park topics! From ‘The Failure of Movie Studio Theme Parks‘ to ‘The History of Walt Disney World’s Forgotten Water Park Gators‘ to ‘World’s Most Gruesome HELLISH Theme Park!‘, there’s something for everyone!
Our blog has theme park guides and information, hoping to help you plan your next theme park trip! We have been visiting theme parks around the world for over 20 years. Over the years we have discovered many tips and tricks, included in these guides, which will help ensure your day at the park will be just that bit better than if you had not read our guides.
If you want to learn more about theme park history, roller coaster manufacturers, themed entertainment and the current development of theme parks, or if you’re just trying to decide what parks to visit on your next road trip, then we invite you to explore our website!
From top five lists, trip reports and in depth explorations, our website will consistently provide something for every theme park fan. Whether you love Disney, Universal and Seaworld or Six Flags, Cedar Fair and Merlin or even just local independent parks, we’ve got you covered!
More than just your average theme park news site, Just Theme Parks creates content for the die hard fan who already knows what’s going on.
Contact- admin@justthemeparks.com
Feel free to get in touch with us via email or any of our social media platforms. We would love to hear from you or work with you.
Please also follow us on Twitter (Just_ThemeParks), Instagram (justthemeparks), TikTok (justthemeparks) and subscribe to our YouTube channel (Just_ThemeParks).
And for those interested in theme park food be sure to follow our instagram account dedicated to showing you the different types of food and snacks sold at theme parks around the world!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of our site.